Presentaciones y vídeos

Based on the message to be transmitted, we devise and generate videos and presentations , offering an easy, accurate and direct understanding of our clients' products and services, adapting the final format (file type, size, resolution and image quality) according to its use for exhibitions, fairs, commercial use in tablet, online, etc. , ... allow, in a short space of time, to inform about philosophies, characteristics, specifications, ...
  • Corporate and Product Video
    From the philosophy, features, benefits and functionalities of the product or company, we elaborate the storyboard most suitable for your understanding, to later create the final video in the formats and resolutions suitable for future reproduction (web, tablet, congress, .. .).
  • Infographics - 3D
    We create 3D images rendering, animations with great visual impact and photorealistic quality, presenting the product in a concise and clear way.
  • Multimedia Presentations
    Taking into account the style of the product, company philosophy, ... we design your presentation coherently according to a previously defined style, with suitable formats for future reproduction (PPT, Keynote, PDF, etc ...)
  • Off and online catalogs
    We provide your products and services with a coherent and attractive presentation, thinking about its off-line reproduction (on-line printing) (downloadable PDF).
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Latest projects
  • web_bu-ho
    Sweet street
    E-commerce web design and development with Prestashop
    Web with online store and physical stores dedicated to the sale of "xuxes" and decoration for all kinds of parties.
  • proyecto.svg-g19024-4294966669
    Cerámica Collet
    Customized web design and development
    International company manufacturing ceramic pastes and clays for modeling founded in 1874
  • Tartesana
    Company presentation
  • Worlddermic
    Product line design
    Creation and layout for line of cosmetic products of high range.
  • Bfresc
    Product presentation
    Creation of corporate image, product line and videos presentation for food company
  • sio-2
    Product line development
    Development graphic line of product packaging of crafts. CERAMICA COLLET, SA Manufacturer of Ceramic Pastes and Clays for Modeling.
  • Vadecity.
    3D Infographics.
    Modeling and generation of 3D infographics and use in promotional videos. "A new way to move around the city". "Safe and smart bicycle parking"..
  • ack
    Corporate image line
    Definition of new line of image for company cloud computing
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© 2025 Bú-ho Creativitat Tecnológica, SL
C/ JOSEP ANSELM CLAVE 16 1-3. 08340 - Vilassar de Mar | T. 937 542 459